Thursday, May 29, 2008

Flight 0508 Chat log


Actualizando la documentación del vuelo virtual en avión simulador del BoriKMANair con destino a Puerto Rico. La idea es seguir la ruta de vuelo en Chat y en ciertos momentos linkiar con Photobucket y Youtube para ver photos y videos concernientes al performvuelo. Debido al mal tiempo y turbulencia en camino a Santo Domingo, fuimos obligados a desviarnos y decidimos cambiar de planes y lanzar el sorpresivo ICAN—Intervención de Cuba de Arte No-violento. Nos da mucha pena no haber llegado a nuestra destinación en la Isla del Encanto pero nos dimos cuenta de que el ICAN era un project que ya no podía esperar mas y que era hora que se actualizara.

15:22Yo: Welcome bienbenidos al vuelo flight 0508 con destino a la isla del encanto PR. Tamos volando un avion Hercules del armynavy surplus recyclado y remodelado por nuestros los genios, ingenierosos y scientificocos de la collectiva The Kendallman que buscamos los sistemas mas simples,naturales y sostenibles. Sin precupation que este avion es lo mas seguro y eficiente posible.

15:28 tamos listo casi

15:35 quien se viene con migo?
15:37 Pa que tengan mas entusiasmo por esto y que ten mas personalmente envueltos y que ban a estar esperando este vuelo que llegue alla como cosa buena, que tal si se imaginan que no solo llevamos un cargo de su artista favorito, VanGo, Christo, Teo, what ever, pero que tambien llevamos de pasajero la persona que usted mas quiere o la que mas le agrada o la que mas felicidad le trae. Imaginate eso
15:38 Piloto KMAN con mas de 5,000 horas de vuelo y copiloto KMAN, (todos nos llamamos KMAN en este asociación, nos diferienciamos por apodos) Navegante KMAN, Ingeniro de vuelo KMAN, Cargo Master KMAN y chatero KMAN. KMAn inodoro. No fuese posible sin el support del equipo de support para el support e toh esto en nuestras bases en el caribe.
15:39 At this moment we are waiting to load last minute cargo and close the ramp door.
Mira suban los motetes ya pa ilnos
15:42 No hay ni una puneta de gente por ahi, pa eso me pongo a vola solo y al diablo. Mira tan tto trabajando busy busy no hay naje unemployed concomputadora?
15:43 Just waiting on the tower to give us the green light to move up to the runway 9R over on the south east corner of Tamiamiairport.
15:45 3:43 request clearance for take off
Tower this is flight 0508 lining up on 9R ready for takeoff.
15:46 que shevere hjablando solo bro
dicen que lo importante es no crercelo
15:47 3:46 OK fuego ala lata. Ahí no vamos palante con el aselador hasta el ñame
15:49 Tren de aterrizaje pa riba y flaps a tres
15:50 Full flaps up pa riba, sube nene sube al palo ensebao baby
15:52 Primer logar que queria mostarales aquí esta un callito La Gallina tiene como mill pies de lago y que queda como a una milla de la costa en la bahia Vizcaya. A servido de base miniatura para muchas acciones performaticas de KMAN. Esta si es una isla chiquitita!
15:55 3:53 275 kts 7888 feet 90 deg
15:56 Bueno ahora nos efocamos pa bimini en las bahamas, sera como 15 minutos or so. Boriespnanglo Ponce de Leon fue el que lo puso bajamar a esta zona buscando algo de toma
16:03 4:02 Bimini 310 kts 15000ft 122dgr

10 minutos
16:14 Yo: 4:13 Andros es lsla de casi las misma dimention que PR pero esta poco poblada y tiene zona que se parecen a la luna. Es lugar favorito pa entrenamiento de survival. Grupos de Paleoindios de la Florida se encanoaron pa ki ullendole a los Conquistadores y se dice que todavía existen grupos de estos en alguna parte del interior de Andros. La verdad es que muchos de ellos se mezclaron con la populación y sobreviven en ellos, inconciente de lo que son. Pero siempre hay unos que si mantienen su cultura y costumbres, desafortunadamente, en secreto. La Kman cultura sobrevive aquí.
16:22 4:21 315kts 16000 104 dgr Ora tamo volando por la lengua del océano pa crusar pal Banco de la Gran bahams y las exumas
16:29 4:27 9454 lbs/hr gas flow 105dgr 16000ft 310 kts
16:31 fix4 4:30 155dgr right turn
16:34 A la izquierda podemos apreciar a Normans
Después Hawksbill y Cistern
Ma abajo Compas
Lee Stocking Island seguido por Great Exuma y Little Exuma
Ahora pasamos pol ariba de Sandy Cay y Long Island

11 minutos
16:45 Yo: fix6 4:44 137dgr 315 kts 9750 lbs/hrs
16:48 duck cay below
16:50 fix9 138dgr 9718lbs/hr 16000 4:50PM

10 minutos
17:01 Yo: fix 10 5:00 143 dgr 315kts

9 minutos
17:11 Yo: fix 11 5:10 Teo on the other window
17:12 Esto se pone hondo aquí pa llegar a Acklins pasando serca de Mira-Por-Vos
17:20 La proxima isla es Great Inagua, usalmente llamada por gente que no voy a mencionar los nombres empieza co K, anyway las Enaguas. Aquí ay mucho flamingos y sal. Morton saltque seguro que has comido viene de aquii
17:24 5:23 tamos aproxximadonos a Inagua
17:28 Y now pa Quizquya
17:30 fix12 5:30 188 drg
17:32 5:32 Parece que hay mal tiempo adelante que si sube precion y baya que se yo, anyway nos bamos a desviar poquito pa aka en el compas hay bendito compai se chavo esto no wory is OK
17:40 fix13 5:39 293 dgr


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ICAN—Intervencion de Cuba de Arte No-violento.

Propuesta de intervención conceptual-performatica virtualistica de arte-ficción por The Kendallman; colectiva sintesista de ciudadanos artistas, investigadores y pensadores univocal de expresión y liberación; habitantes de la Isla KMAN en Vanguarlandia, mundo de la idea en Universo alterno de existencia virtual.

05-29-08 se lanza al espacio cibernético el vuelo por computadora en avión simulador para ocasionar intervenio performatico, el contacto directo, la intercomunicación y el acceso libre a la idea de arte. Arte acción-ataque amistoso de a la demarcación territorial arbitraria y separación política artificial actualizando arte sin fronteras con ningún tipo de permiso oficial o apoyo alguno de agencias corporativas o gubernamentales.

Pretendemos jira de Cuba desde el cielo, penetrando simbólicamente por Baracoa, la ciudad primada fundada por Velásquez en 1512 en sitio de antigua aldea indígena. Aterrizaremos en el aeropuerto de Baracoa(MUBA) y luego haremos escala en varios aeropuertos pequeños a través de la isla para descargar ideas y repartir saludos. NO VENIMOS A VENDER NADA. Ofrecemos manifestación y procesión de contingente KMAN Kachina—figuritas de madera que representan mito folklórico de antepasados que regresan de la montaña sagrada volando por las nubes para traer la paz, y armonía. Brindamos conceptos de evolución moral y la reevaluación de la conciencia en ‘vias de vida’ nativas naturales, simples y sostenibles para el mundo actual. Los mejores métodos y conocimientos orgánicos comprobados, yacen sembrados en el pasado, olvidados y constantemente apolismados y aparuchados por la implacable mole moderna urbana. Cuando cubran todo en brea y cemento, que piensan comer, concreto? Representamos la realización de que la tierra en si, es nuestro recurso mas importante y que hay que mantenerla y administrarla con el mayor cuidado y sensibilidad posible y que nos pertenece a todos. Y todos somos responsables y culpables.

El contrato social se anula cuando los gobiernos del estado, que representan la voluntad del pueblo soberano, crean intereses privados para favorecer a sus grupos o corporaciones elites particulares y enriquecerse personalmente, causando condiciones desfavorables de pobreza para la mayoría, perdiendo su legitimación y legalidad. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1762.

ICAN acto de desafió idealista al concepto falso, desacreditado y desmoralizado de que los gobiernos pueden ser los ‘dueños’ de los ciudadanos y de la nación, para hacer con ellos lo que quieran.
ICAN iniciativa contra los vestigios de los peores sistemas y mentalidad anticuada de realeza, aristocracia y feudalismo; que persisten hoy en forma de imperialismo, despotismo y gangsterismo. Sistematas que dependen del militarismo para mantener el poder, el control opresivo y la esclavitud del pueblo. Aquí como allá es la misma mierda!
ICAN contra de la guerra y la producción de materiales de querrá y su comercio.
ICAN contra la revolución industrial materialista que ha sido la revolución mas mortal al ser humano y al planeta que ninguna otra y nos esta ‘progresando’ rápidamente al desastre global.



Vuelo Despega y Chat: 3:33 PM (15:33 EST)(20:33GMT)
Launching May 29, 2008!!!
Colectivo de proyectos individuales realizados especificamente para internet / Artistas de Puerto Rico: Alejandro Quinteros, Arnaldo Román, Catherine Matos Olivo, Carmen Olmo-Terrasa, Carola Cintrón, Gardy Pérez, Imago + Krypto, Lillian Nieves, Loredana Hernández, Ozzy Forbes, Pedro Vélez, Rosa Irigoyen, Teo Freytes y Teresa López. Además, Art Kendallman de Miami y Rui Guerra de Portugal

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Titulo del proyecto:

BoriKMANair es una propuesta para utilizar la aplicación Chat en la realización de un evento de arte conceptual-performantastico-virtual a través del Internet. Chat Art de Net Art.

El Jueves 29 de Mayo de 2008, se actualizara vuelo virtual de avión-simulador (tres horas y media de duración, a 350mph y mil millas de distancia) desde Miami, Florida hasta San Juan, Puerto Rico, siguiendo la misma ruta original trazada por el IPR (La Invasión de Puerto Rico Como Performance Art). El instrumento Chat se utilizara como medio principal (en función de radio parlante) para la conversación instantánea de alcance mundial entre piloto, tripulantes y participantes. Información sobre el vuelo actual, que sobrevolara muchas de las islas de Las Bahamas, Santo Domingo, y la costa norte de Puerto Rico, será comunicada para crear dialogo sobre temas concernientes, como por ejemplo: el tiempo, localización, datos y detalles sobre las diversas islas y lugares en la trayectoria. Bienvenida y de esperarse son los anécdotas y experiencias de personas que hayan visitado o vivido en estos locales. Fotos, mapas y videos estarán disponibles inmediatamente en el artkendallman.Blogspot, al igual que lo dicho-escrito en Chat que es la documentación de este proyecto.

Enlace Web del artista:

Enlace Web del proyecto:

Monday, May 5, 2008

Time Line K

Art Kendallman Performance History

In 1977 began conceptual art performance and mail-art actions from Kendall. Established underground imaginary logistics company, “Rocket Shippers” in order to send mailing tubes painted up like space rockets to fast-transport art all over the world. Developed a base of operations on Chapman Field and another at MDCC Kendall Campus.

Christo Surrounded Islands Project for Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami. Florida. From April 21, 1983 through June 29, 1983 established flight path from Chapman Field in Kendall to Pelican Island in North Miami Beach with two regular daily flights of the Fiat car-top phantom object jet transport while working on the CSIP.

Hyena Highway.

September 24, 1983-May 17, 1984. South Dixie Highway from SW 27 avenue to SW 152 Street. Developed the Hyena Highway flight path along South Dixie Highway from 152 Street to Downtown Miami.

Meet the Composer.

Wednesday 8:00 PM, March 7, 1984. Metropolitan Museum and Art Center, 1212 Anastasia Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida. KMAN Aircraft maneuvers.

MDCC Art Kendallman Jet Show.

Third Annual Miami Waves Experimental Film and Video Forum. Miami Dade-Community College Mitchell Wolfson New World Center Campus. Downtown Miami, Florida. Monday, April 2, 1984 through Friday, April 6, 1984.Participated by invitation of the director of the show Marilyn Gottlieb-Roberts.

KMAN Air Maneuvers.

April 1984. Chapman Field 124 Street and Old Cutler Road, Miami, Florida. Mini model Aircraft maneuvers by Ana Pulido, Karen Chappelear, John Lamka, Denis Daley, Teo Freytes and Art Kendallman.

Mr. Jupiter Comes Down To Earth and Finds Reality.

May 10, 1984. Warehouse Gallery Theater, SW 13th Street and 2nd Ave. Miami, Florida. By personal invitation of the curator Mr. Mick Upright, however; when Mr. J. landed at show in his cumbersome space suit and helmet, delivering controversial informational fliers, he was roughly arm-locked-behind-his-back and unceremoniously thrown out by off-duty Miami Police Officer on the orders of the organizer. At this, the later to be named “Food Spot” group: Ana Pulido, Steve Nestor, John Lamka, Luis Padreda and Teo Freytes, all decided to walk up to their own paintings and remove them and themselves from the show. The fallowing day the gallery is permanently closed down.

USA Air Gathering Evidence.

September 21, 1984-September 21, 1985. Participation in the “Gathering Evidence” project by Marilyn Gottlieb-Roberts that traveled to several southeastern United States art spaces. Depicted home base in the Artists Conceptual Map of Miami and Environs as “Foodspot, home of the dreaded Foodspot Gang, aka Art Kendallman”. Flight path: September 21,1984. New Gallery, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. January 9, 1985. Valencia Community College, East campus Gallery, Orlando, Florida. March 3, 1985. Broward Community College, South campus Multi Arts Institute, Pembroke Pines, Florida. May 3, 1985. Artist Alliance, Florida Center for Contemporary Art, Tampa, Florida. May 17, 1985. Nexus, Inc. Atlanta, Georgia. May 31, 1985. Center Gallery, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. June 28, 1985. 200 East Gallery, Knoxville Tennessee. July 12, 1985. Moon Gallery, Mt. Berry College, Rome, Georgia. September 6, 1985. Broward Community College, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and Wolfson Campus Miami Dade Community College, Miami, Florida. September 21, 1985. New Gallery, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida.

Mini Hand Held Aircraft Fly-in.

Saturday 12:30 PM, October 13, 1984. Establishing of the Farmers Market Airfield, Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove, Florida. First flight to Homestead Airforce Base from 1:45-4:00 PM.

Nada de Nada.

October 26, 1984. SS Kendall helicopter carrier escort mission of the Nada art group exhibition and Art show at: Coral Way Cafe, Miami, Florida.

Big Peace USA.

Saturday 10:00-3:00 PM, October 27, 1984. Farmers Market Airfield, Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove, Florida.

Art Kendallman and The Stiff.

Saturday 1:00 PM, November 3, 1984. 13th Annual South Miami Art Festival, South Miami, Florida. Deployment of the miniature aircraft carrier Big Peace USA.

Arrastrao Art Missile Tank Maneuvers.

7:40-8:15 PM, November 30, 1984. Conceptual Art Action and penetration of the Florida International University B.F.A. Student Show, Miami, Florida.

Big Bone Blow.

Get Fresh art night at Fire and Ice nightclub, Miami, Florida. December 4, 1984. Performance art action of assembly of X-M missile at center stage and symbolic detonation.

Kendallman Air force strike.

1984. Art Action and protest at the State of the Art Party of the Lowe Art Museum, Miami, Florida. Fly-by of banner exposing the hypocrisy of attempting to "use" under ground avant-garde motif to promote self-interested mainstream art trade. At the instigation of Ira Lich, the director of the Lowe Art Gallery, Art Kendallman and Ana Pulido are summarily banned by the campus police for three years from University of Miami grounds.

Mango Strut Parade, Coconut Grove, Florida.

1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1996, 2001, 2007

King Orange Jamboree Parade, Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida.

1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990

Art Kendallman Aircraft Bombing Art Maneuvers.

1984, 1985, 1986, 1987. Performance Air-Art action of hand-held model aircraft at Coconut Grove Art Fest, Coconut Grove, Florida.

Kendallman Airway Conceptual Art.

1984-1985. Development of model aircraft flight paths from Kendall to the Cultural Arts Center in downtown Miami.

Member of the MSA (Movimiento Sintesista Actualizado) Art Gallery.

1985-1990. Espacio Experimental Sintesista, 266 Calle San Fransisco, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Mr. Missile.

January 7, 1985. Conceptual Art Action and penetration of Florida International University student art show.

Missile and Rocket.

January 26, 1985. Performance Art Action at entrance to the Bread and Puppet Theater show held at the Jewish Cultural Center, South Beach, Florida.

Third World Aircraft.

February 9, 1985. Conceptual model aircraft reconnaissance of Third World concert at Bicentennial Park, Miami, Florida.

Composer in Performance.

February 28, 1985. Metropolitan Museum and Art Center, 1212 Anastasia Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida.

Missile, Rocket, and Arrastrao.

March 3, 1985. Conceptual Art Incursion into the Paseo Latin parade, Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida.

Art Whoreing.

March 6, 1985. 2nd State of the Art Show. Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida. Undercover art penetration and performance of miniature aircraft paper bombing raid on off limits territory. A three year ban on U.M. property had been imposed on Art Kendallman and Ana Pulido the year before by the campus Police.

Metro Nada.

March 15, 1985. Mr. Missile and Mrs. Rocket fly at a Nada Art group event on Metrorail train stations, Miami, Florida.

Konker 1.

7:30-5:15 PM, March 18, 1985. 304 miles round trip. Flight to Key West Florida.

Burnt Toast.

7:00-11:00 PM. June 14 and July 19, 1985. Moosart Gallery, 4001 NE Second Avenue, Miami, Florida. Performance Art by Missile and Rocket at Burnt Toast art show.

Konker 2.

September 6-8, 1985. Friday Flight to Key West Florida.

Art Deco Weekend.

November 12, 1985. C-130, 1:144 Scale aircraft fly-by held on extension pole.

Art Kendallman Falconry Display.

November 22,1985. Vulture Culture parade, downtown Miami, Florida. Falconry demonstration and airport runway clearing techniques of bird populations that interfere with aircraft paths.

Paloma Mensajera.

January 23, 1986. Establishment (via US Postal Service) of messenger pigeon communication link from Miami to MSA gallery in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

El Guaraguao.

Wednesday 11:20 AM, January 29, 1986. First flight of the Guaraguao publication to the MSA Gallery in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Art Kendallman Flight to Ft. Lauderdale Art Museum.

March 1986. Ft. Lauderdale Art Museum, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Ft. Lauderdale-San German Flight.

March 1986. Universidad Interamericana, recinto de San German, Puerto Rico. Series of Cargo flights to San German, Puerto Rico to deliver Art pieces to the Art Pollution Exhibition.


March 22, 1986. Conceptual art model aircraft action that resulted in the imaginary shot down and fatal crash of pilot Ace at the Folk Art Festival held at the Cultural Art Center, Downtown Miami.

Art Kendallman Art-Act.

April 3, 1986. Aircraft maneuvers at Horizons nightclub art night. 2054 NW 23rd Avenue, Miami, Florida.

Art Kendallman Expedition to Shark Valley.

April 12, 1986. Reconnaissance flight into the Everglades, Florida.

April 19, 1986

Art Kendallman. Miami Magic Festival, Miami, Florida.

MSA Airlines.

June 27, 1986. Launch of the MSA Airlines to New York-Miami-Puerto Rico.


Friday 10:00 PM, June 27, 1986. KAKA art performance at Steve Nestors art show "Voodoomigration" at Artifacts l623 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida.

Kendall Wildlife.

July 4, 1986. Filming of the Kendall Wildlife video by Ana Bartlett about the conceptual art aircraft flights, observation tower and airport established at Indian Hammock Park, Kendall, Florida.


October 31, 1986. First Monkey Joe ape action. Miami Beach, Florida.


November 21, 22, 23, 1986. Three day conceptual art extravaganza and display of the Art Kendallman air, land and sea art forces all along Metrorail from Dadeland station in Kendall, to Miami-Dade Community College, downtown campus.


November 21, 22, 23, 1986. Three day conceptual art extravaganza and display of the Art Kendallman air, land and sea art forces at the annual Miami Waves Art Festival, Miami-Dade Community College, downtown Miami, Florida. Video by Mike Jarvis.

MSA Art Invasion.

1986. Art invasion of the Puerto Rico art space at the MSA Gallery, 266 Calle San Fransisco, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Micro Art Show.

August 1, 1986. Artifacts Salon, Miami Beach, Florida.

Arrest of Mojo.

November 7, 1986. Miami Book Fair, Miami, Florida. Monkey Joe is arrested for “acting like a monkey at Metro Rail and possibly endangering the public”.

Air Ass-ault on Pope John Paul and President Reagan Parade.

September 10, 1987. Art Kendallman launches symbolic aircraft strike on the Pope and President of USA motorcade. KMAN is choked and arrested by Miami Police for “wearing mask in public”.

Trans-Atlantic Micro 87.

June 4-July 10, 1987. Now Gallery, New York. Artifacts, Miami Florida. August 7-September 16. The Micro Show is a traveling exhibition of small artworks by literally hundreds of contemporary artists from New York to Miami.


Friday 4:45 PM, July 10, 1987. Alice Wainwright Park. Kman conceptual art-action performance as witnessed by Miami Herald writer Irene Lacher, Lively Arts section. "First of a series on the people and places that make South Florida art scene unique", July 19, 1987.

Miami-New York Exchange Show.

January 30-February 20, 1988. 7-9 p.m., January 30. Tobe Art International, 116 West Houston, NY. 9-11 p.m., January 30. Mars Bar, Second Avenue at first Street, NY. 7-10 p.m., January 30. Artifacts Art Salon 1625 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida.

KMAN Aero Art Tokyo.

October 31-November 2, 1988. Ueno Park, Tokyo, Japan. Establishment of conceptual air link between Tokyo-Miami-Puerto Rico.


November-December 1988. Kman air-art conceptual action at Miami-Dade Communtity College, Kendall, Florida.

KMAN 90.

1990. Airshow 90. Opalocka Airport, Opalocka, Florida. Performance by invitation at the annual Miami Air show.

KMAN Asylum.

July-December 1990; January 22, 1991. Miami Arts Asylum, Cameo Theater, 1455 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida.

KMAN at Asylum Hits The Streets.

March 30, 1991. Street performance and participation in Susan Braun’s Play. Also contributed paintings for backdrop of play.

New Times. Best of Miami.

March 27-April 2, 1991. Diversions section. “Best Place To See A Performance Clown With A Helicopter On His Head.” Miami Arts Asylum, 1445 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach.

El Kaiman.

February 19-23, 1994. Miami International Boat Show, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, Florida. Miniature Naval Forces invade the boat show at Biscayne Bay Marriott Marina and at the Miami Beach Marina.

KMAN Ship Lanes.

Thursday, December 29, 1995 through Monday, March 18, 1996. 13 week development of sea lanes from The Kapong, 3995 El Prado, Coconut Grove to Key Biscyne and then to Puerto Rico.

KMAN F-5 Flight to Hallandale Beach.

Wednesday 11:16-12:29, July 3, 2002. 42.8 miles.

Return of KMAN.

Friday, September 5, 2003. One Ear Society Gallery, Streets of Mayfair, 2911 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove.

Art Kendallman Live!

Saturdays, September 13-20-27, 2003. One Ear Society Gallery, Streets of Mayfair, 2911 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove.

Art Kendallman + Brian Kent “The Dismal Project”.

Saturdays, October 11-18-25 2003. One Ear Society Gallery, Streets of Mayfair, 2911 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove.

KMAN Orange Bowl Parade. Take-over of the defunct OBP. December 31, 2003. Downtown Miami, Florida. Grand Marshal Art Kendallman.

Black Ship Float-Boat

Construction from July 21,2004 through July 24,2004. 100 inch wooden missile cruiser for car roof top with bike wheel adaptors. First sea trials. Saturday 19:13-01:29, July, 24 2004.

Hell-I-copter ARK AKT.

10:46-15:05, September 16, 2004. Green Giant 1:48 scale canvas chopper flight to Downtown Miami. 42.9 miles.

Twin Jet ARK AKT.

Tuesday 07:27-12:13, September 21, 2004. Flight to Downtown Miami. 1:48 scale aircraft. 50.4 miles.

8mm Camera Jet ARK AKT.

Wednesday 14:04-22:30, October 6, 2004. Flight to Downtown Miami. 47.3 miles.

Video of Robert a.k.a. Angel. Thursday, October 7, 2004. By chance met Robert at street corner of First Street NE and 3rd Avenue sitting at Starbucks putting the last touches on an elaborately beautiful hat he was to use in street performance wearing a pink dress. Made a short video of him till City of Miami ‘HAK’ Officers rudely disrupted the filming.

KMAN Banner action.

Friday 08:27-10:20, October 29, 2004. South Dixie in front of The Academy.

KMAN Car Fume Sucking Banner Action.

Wednesday 09:16- 10:31, November 3, 2004. South Dixie in front of Accord Productions.

Orion flight and Banner action.

Saturday, November 6, 2004. Launch from Kendall House Base at 16:48. Paradise Point Banner photo shoot 17:08 (8.6 miles). Wynwood 19:36-21:24. US-1 and 36th Street, Banner photo shoot, 21:32-23:22. SoHo Launge Banner photo shoot, 23:25-24:59. Land at KHB 02:13 (56.7 miles). Gyr and Max photographers.

KMAN Banner action.

Monday 09:14-10:38, November 8, 2004. Miami Science Museum and Brickell and Pioneer rd. front of entrance to Key Biscayne.

KMAN Banner action. Wednesday 07:54-10:32, November 10, 2004. Downtown Miami, Archeological site on North side of river.

Black Ship On Wheels.

Saturday 16:38-19:30, November 13, 2004. Miami Book Fair International. Black ship navigation through the crowds at street fair.

KMAN Green Byke Action.

Wednesday 07:18-09:04, November 24, 2004. South Beach, Miami Beach.

KMAN BaselBash 04.

Art Basel Miami Beach. December 2-3-4-5, 2004.

King KMAN Parade.

Take-over of the defunct OBP. December 31, 2004. Downtown Miami, Florida. Grand Marshal Art Kendallman.

15th Art Miami 05.

Saturday January 8, 2005. Miami Beach Convention Center, Hall A. Black Ship on wheels. Spoke with the show director Iliana Vardy about letting KMAN and the ship inside as a performance. She refused because, “I know what conceptual art is, this is not appropriate to this show. Try the Basel.”

Mardi Gras Miami.

Saturday February 12. 2005. F-16 Falcon first flight 1:32 Scale. Character Vigigante KMAN from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Subtropics Experimental Music Festival.

February 26, 2005. Dorsch Gallery, 151 NW 24 Street. B-52 Model hat.

The Sacrifice.

Saturday, June 11, 2005. Art Kendallman at Helix Street space. Performance and Poster. Helix Gallery 153 NW 36th St. K111 Supersonik jet sacrificed in the name of art.

Art Basel Miami Beach 05.

December 1-4, 2005. Miami Beach Convention Center with Black Ship on wheels in front of main entrance. Black Hawk helicopter helmet to Downtown action next to Pawn Shop club.

Fantasy Fest Parade

Saturday, December 10, 2005. Key West bus trip organized by Glen Terry of The Mango Strut Parade. Loaded the Black Ship in the cargo compartment to parade. Half-way into the parade official had KMAN expelled for not having the required tag.

Art Basel Miami Beach 06.

Saturday December 9, 2006. Art Positions Collins Park Beach, between 21st and 22nd Street and Collins Avenue. Attempted to perform with pilot mask and F-16 jet 1:144 scale but was told to take off mask by Miami Beach Police officer because “we will probably get 9-11 calls from people”.

16th Art Miami

January 7, 2006. Black Ship mounted on Ford Taurus to Miami Beach Convention Center drive by but did not launch boat because the place was empty and depressing.

17th Art Miami.

January 5-8, 2007. Miami Beach Convention Center, Hall A. Friday, Drove miniature painted Battle Tank with Gav. Saturday, Painted Bykk with Painted F-16. Sunday, Black Ship. This year the same ship that was ‘inapropriate’ last year, was allowed in with no problem.

KMAN HawkHouse Gallery.

Saturday, January 13, 2007 during Wynwood 2nd Saturday gallery walk night. 16.5 in. x 11 in. x 30.5 in. plastic box on wheels with drawers and runway tabletop mobile gallery. Impromptu 8:28 PM set up on sidewalk on 23 ST. and Miami Ct. and outside of Cornerstone Experiencial Art gallery 2013 N Miami Avenue. Music and assistance by Brian Kent.

KMAN HawkHouse Gallery at Edge Zones.

Friday 4:28 PM-1:25 AM, March 16, 2007. 2214 North Miami Avenue, Miami Florida 33127.

CIRCA 07 International Art Fair.

March 30-April 2, 2007. Puerto Rico Convention Center 100 Convention Bld. San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907. KMAN performance first flight of UltraK spacecraft at Edge Zones booth and 6 paintings on wall that where transported inside 1:144 scale The UltraK from Miami to Puerto Rico.

ReMapping The Caribbean Project, Edge Zones Gallery.

April 14-16 2007. In conjunction with El Museo de las Casas Reales in Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. KMAN UltraK 1:144 scale spacecraft flight to the Colonial Zone in Santo Domingo and landings at The Museum of Royal Houses to perform dance and art transportation.

Contents:3. KMAN/Margaret Gonzalez/Andrew Horton.

May 12-July 14, 2007. Leonard Tachmes Gallery 3930 NW 2nd Avenue, Miami. FL. 33127. 305-572-9015.

Scope Miami 07

December 7-8-9, 2007. Roberto Clemente Park in the Wynwood Art District. Threee Drawings at the Leonard Tachmes Gallery booth and Performance of Pre-Invasion of Puerto Rico as Performance Art. Map and display of plan for the IPR.

Arte no es Vida: Actions by Artist of The Americas 1960-2000.

January 30-May 18, 2008. “Aura Jet Scale Model Flight and Paper Bombing Over Dance Floor, Fire and Ice Club, Miami 1984” Picture document. El Museo del Barrio, New York City. Curated by Deborah Cullen. Landmark exhibition highlights Performative Actions by over 75 Latino/ Latin American Artist.

IPR-The Invasion of Puerto Rico as Performance Art

April 11, 2008. Virtual Conceptual-Performance Mock invasion of CIRCA08 grounds at the Puerto Rico Convention Center and Old San Juan by army of wooden KMAN Kachina figures, ships, aircraft and 1,110 tourists dressed up as KMAN. The entire project was actualized in written Conceptual Reality form. The actual piece and the work was in written form and the reader was to complete the action by actively imagining the scene in their own minds.

The Kendallman Art Gallery Ambulante(KAGA)

March 8, 2008. First opening of mobil miniature art gallery at corner of NW 23 Street and 2nd Avenue. 16.5 in. x 11 in. x 30.5 in. plastic box on wheels with drawers. “Smallest art gallery in the world”. MSA show.